About Brayton

Founded in 2004 by engineers with a shared passion for developing new and better energy technologies, Brayton Energy is an innovative R&D firm dedicated to sustainable and efficient energy production. We specialize in design, prototyping, and testing of turbomachinery and gas turbine systems. We strive to apply these skills to alternative energy systems, including concentrated solar power, energy storage, pebble bed reactors, hybrid vehicles, and aircraft propulsion. Our 28,000 sf (2600 sq. m) offices, laboratory, and manufacturing center is located at a uniquely informal waterfront campus in Hampton, NH, approximately 40 miles north of Boston.

Brayton’s technical staff of 35 engineers, designers and laboratory technicians have expertise in the design and development of advanced thermodynamic cycles and gas turbine engines. Our skills include the design and test of specialized components employed in these cycles, including turbines, compressors, low emissions combustors, and high temperature compact heat exchangers.

Having served more than eighty clients, Brayton engineers have delivered a wide range of designs and hardware.

The most unique characteristic of the Brayton team is our ability to focus analytical skills, experienced mechanical design engineers, and practical manufacturing staff on the most challenging technical problems within the energy sector. We offer innovative problem solving and seek the opportunity to build and test special purpose equipment.

Brayton holds extensive intellectual property in turbomachinery, gas turbines, combustion systems, and high temperature heat exchangers. We have grown as a leading firm of advanced R&D in the emerging alternative energy industry. Collaborations with US universities, US government laboratories, and our industry partners broadens our strengths. Our staff has created specialized computational tools which are complemented by the industry’s leading CAD, CFD, and FEA tools. Our facility includes a CNC machining center, heat exchanger pilot production, special ceramic processing, prototype fabrication equipment, and laboratory facilities for combustion and turbomachinery testing.

Brayton Energy is staffed by engineers, designers, and technicians with core competencies in aerodynamics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, and combustion. Our analytical strengths are complemented by an experienced mechanical design team, in-house manufacturing team, and test teams. Our combined skills are dedicated to alternative energy and advanced turbomachinery systems applications.

Brayton Team, Spring 2017 – commissioning of the 5th generation ICR 350 Gas turbine

Brayton Leadership

Jim KesseliFounder, Chief Science Officer

As Chief Science Officer at Brayton Jim provides key technical support across many disciplines, and leads special projects within the company. Jim has worked in the field of energy conversion systems for 30 years, contributing to advancements in small gas turbines, low emission combustion systems, and recuperators. Jim began his career at Lockheed/Sanders, working on gas turbines, solar-dynamic space power, thermal storage, Stirling engines, and alkali metal heat pipes.

From 1992 until 2001, Jim led the Ingersoll-Rand/NREC Energy Systems Business Unit and was responsible for the technical direction of the PowerWorks 70 and 250-kW microturbines, recuperators, and other advanced energy system development programs. Under Jim’s leadership, Ingersoll-Rand and NREC successfully introduced a line of microturbines, the WR21 recuperator, and the Siemens-Westinghouse hybrid fuel cell gas turbine, and participated in several gas turbine design programs for commercial and military clients.

From 2001 to 2003, Jim was Ingersoll-Rand’s Director of New Product Development and Director of Advanced Technology. During that period he led the high-efficiency ceramic turbine development, introduced innovations in combined heat and power, advancements in low-emission combustion for alternative fuels, and developments in recuperators.

Jim holds 17 patents relating to recuperators, combustors, and gas turbines. He is the ASME chair for the International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) Microturbines and Small Gas Turbine Committee, serving since 2002. Jim received his BS in Mechanical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and an MSME from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

  • Jim Kesseli Jim Kesseli Founder, Chief Science Officer
  • Tom Wolf Tom Wolf Technical Director / Co-Founder
  • James Nash James Nash Engineering Director
  • Malcolm Child Malcolm Child Chief Mechanical Engineer
  • Shaun Sullivan Shaun Sullivan President

Brayton serves clients around the world. We bid competitively on governmental research initiatives, and support many great US corporations; large and small.

Brayton Energy is a leading R&D group dedicated to making meaningful contributions in the field of environmentally responsible, sustainable energy production. Our work in supporting innovative R&D efforts leads to a unique variety of assignments for our technical staff. Specializing in design, prototyping and testing of turbo machinery and associated systems, Brayton Energy offers an informal work environment near the ocean in Hampton New Hampshire.

Our engineers see a diverse range of challenges, and must be comfortable switching between analytical and experimental tasks on a frequent basis. Our work environment rewards creativity, enthusiasm, team collaboration, and a willingness to see problems through to completion without close supervision. Brayton offers a dynamic environment where your contributions really make a difference.

We maintain a well-equipped prototype shop with expanding capabilities in the development and testing of gas-turbine engines and related hardware. Please email availability, compensation requirements, and resumes to Jill Welch: welch@braytonenergy.com

Hampton river views from Brayton office