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2 kW Recuperated Brayton Cycle Engine
Rotary Screw Brayton Cycle Engine:
- 40% Thermal-electric efficiency
- >80% Combined heat and power
- CARB emissions
- 10 year Continuous cycle life
- 8,000 hr service interval
- 55 dBa Noise requirements
Brayton Energy’s 2kWe recuperated Brayton-cycle generator uses a screw compressor and ceramic screw expander, intended to produce heat and electricity for residential use.
To learn more about this program, visit:
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) Website
Ceramic expander operating at 1200°C turbine inlet temperature and 25,000 RPM – has precision grinding using custom tooling holding 15 micron profile tolerances
Enabling Technology
- High-efficiency metallic compressor, 80% effectiveness
- Non contact ceramic screw expander
- Ceramic to metal joining
- Proprietary ceramic development with static and rotating components
- Hi-efficiency recuperator, tested to 97.5% effectiveness.
- Measured emissions compliant with the standards of the California Air Resources Board (CARB)

Curved header sheet brazed to unit cells to form recuperator core. Austenitic stainless steel details, Nickel vacuum brazed.

Performance Testing

Bearing Loss
Test Rig