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Biomass Conversion
Direct biomass combustion (solid fuel internal combustion) eliminates much of the costly fuel processing associated with making either bio-oils, ethanol, or standard gasifiers
To effectively achieve direct biomass combustion in a gas turbine, Brayton’s approach burns the solid fuel at atmospheric pressure in the turbine exhaust, thereby preventing erosion in the turbine section, and simplifying the fuel delivery system. The high-temperature reaction zone provides very complete combustion and low emission levels.
The packaged portable module enables distributed power generation, locating the genset close to the biomass sources. The ultra low emissions make the power plant invisible to the surrounding community.
Testing at Brayton’s Combustion Lab(1MW – thermal = 1/4th scale)
Commercial Applications

Business case for EPS1200 modular
biomass-electricity power plant
- Detailed product studies indicate a significant demand for a mid-size, high reliability power plant to convert biomass to electricity.
- More reliable vs piston engines
- More economical (capital and O&M) vs steam turbines
- A small (1 MW) scale direct biomass plant can be ‘invisible’ to the local community
- Ultra-low pollution emissions
Intercooled Recuperated Gas Turbine for solid fuel or conventional gas and liquid fuels
- 1.5 MW ton natural gas or liquid fuel
- 1.2 MWe on solid biomass (Back-heated)
- Variable speed drive for improved part-load efficiency, hot-day power rating, and provide ample starting power.
- Efficiency = 40% LHV electric w/natural gas
- Efficiency = 24% LHV Solid fuel combustion
- Gas turbine combustion::
– CARB compliant emissions with conventional and bio-fuels
– US EPA compliant emissions with solid fuel combustion